FORTY MILLION STRONG (40M) is an organized movement hell-bent on reestablishing Melanite or “Black” independence and self-sufficiency. Our initial goal, developing a socioeconomically independent nation-colony within the borders of the US by asserting our international right of Self-Determination as defined in the Charter of the United Nations. To do so successfully, we are looking to institute a system of commerce and exchange internally and throughout the Diaspora that would lay the groundwork for an economy operatedmaintained and governed by Melanites – the descendants of the African Diasporic peoples and Autochthonous Americans. In order for this to happen there must be network created amongst those who are prepared to do the work within the “conscious” community so that adequate personnelresources, etc can be put in place. These are the “woke”, “conscious”, digital and grassroots activists, freedom fighters, revolutionaries as well as any and all brothers/sisters who genuinely seek “Black Independence”.


The self-explanatory Formula is a simple step-by-step process we have successfully used to build amongst our people. First, we CONNECT by reaching out those who have common interests/goals for “Blacks” in general and invite them to join the DISCUSSION. Based on those discussions, we are able to pinpoint key issues and develop STRATEGIES. Those strategies can then be meticulously converted into PLANS and once carried out, we will achieve or attain our desired RESULTS! This generation has experienced a revolutionary awakening that must be transformed into physical action.

Connect + Discuss + Strategize + Plan + Act = Results


By virtue of the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, all peoples have the right freely to determine, without external interference, their political status and to pursue their economic, social and cultural development, and every State has the duty to respect this right in accordance with the provisions of the Charter.
Every State has the duty to promote, through joint and separate action, realization of the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, in accordance with the provisions of the Charter, and to render assistance to the United Nations in carrying out the responsibilities entrusted to it by the Charter regarding the implementation of the principle, in order:

The Declaration Of Independence and Self Determination for the American Melanite

We, people of African Diasporic and/or Autochthonous persons of African descent also known as “Blacks”, hereby self identify collectively as Melanites. We do so with the intent of establishing our own identity separate from that given by foreign colonial rule. We also do so with the understanding that group or collective self identification is a requirement in asserting and exercising Self Determination in regards to the rights of all peoples in International law, per the Charter of the United Nations.

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V of 40M - Martin Luther
V of 40M ft 40M Tye and Hippie G - The Score
V of 40M x PWR ft Hippie G and 40M
V of 40M - Way Back (Warning)
V of 40M - Inferno
V of 40M - Welcome
V of 40M - No Church on Sunday


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